Next to take the spotlight is Product Manager Charlotte Kertrestel, who first joined stickee in 2013.

stickee: Hi Charlotte, can you tell us a bit about your background? How did you end up working for stickee?

Charlotte: I first joined stickee as a marketing assistant, as I wanted to work in writing and marketing, and became content manager a little while later. Then, I started getting more involved with the company’s projects and products, and finally became product manager six months ago!

stickee: Can we get you a tea, coffee? How do you take it?

C: I’m very particular about my coffee – half milk, half water, half a sugar!

stickee: What were your first impressions of stickee?

C: It has changed a lot since I joined, three years ago! But when I arrived I thought everyone was very friendly… I really enjoy working for a smaller company where everyone works closely with each other.

stickee: Who would play you in a movie of your life?

C: Everyone always says Anne Hathaway, but if it was up to me I’d choose Jennifer Aniston!

stickee: What do you get up to outside of work?

C: I get dragged to the gym for GRIT classes once a week, but my true passion is lazing around on the sofa, watching Netflix! I also recently joined the Royal Navy Reserves.

stickee: It’s lunchtime and someone offers to get you whatever takeaway you’d like. What do you go for?

C: Chinese! Duck in plum sauce with egg fried rice, no hesitation.

stickee: What’s your favourite book, film, and album?

C: Can I choose a children’s’ book? A Little Love Song by Michelle Magorian; I read it when I was a teenager and still love it now. Love Actually is without a doubt my favourite film, and my favourite album… I’m gonna go for Puzzle by Biffy Clyro.

stickee: What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

C: I volunteered in Sri Lanka for three months during university, and met one of my best friends there. It was an unforgettable experience.