Next up in our look at the staff here at stickee is Ketan Thanki, Head of Performance Marketing. Get to know him a bit better here.

stickee: Hi Ketan, can you tell us a bit about your background? How did you end up working for stickee?

Ketan Thanki: I got a taste of digital marketing whilst working for a range of agencies in London and never looked back. Spending four years at Carphone Warehouse helped to gain a perspective of media planning and buying from both sides of the fence. The next role had to be with a company pushing the boundaries of current thinking by challenging the status quo with innovative ideas. stickee ticked those boxes and here I am.

stickee: Can we get you a tea, coffee? How would you like it?

KT: Definitely coffee, black and preferably from Nicaragua

stickee: What were your first impressions of stickee?

KT: Creative, welcoming and a drive to make things happen

stickee: Who would play you in a movie of your life?

KT: Something I’ve never thought about but if I had the choice, Robert De Niro.

stickee: What do you get up to outside of work?

KT: I’m a keen football fan following the roller coaster ride of supporting Liverpool FC (no two weekends are the same!). Outside of football, I spend a couple of evenings a week playing badminton and testing my culinary skills whenever the opportunity presents itself.

stickee: It’s lunchtime, someone offers to get you whatever takeaway you’d like. What do you go for?

KT: Right now it would have to be Subway. Not being from Birmingham, I still have to find those hidden gems in the local area.

stickee: What’s your favourite book, film, and album?

KT: Favourite book, Freakonomics, gives an alternative perspective to the world which I found really interesting. Favourite film, Godfather (part 2), the first and third editions of the film were amazing but the second was truly brilliant. Favourite album, Dr Dre – 2001, I still enjoy my hip hop and that album has end to end classics.

stickee: What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

KT: The west coast US road trip stands out here. Vegas, LA, San Diego and Phoenix covered in the space of a week.  Some of the best cities I’ve visited and would love to do it again.

Thanks Ketan, you can get back to work now.